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  1. …in reply to @AstorAaron
    @AstorAaron @CarlPaulus Ringing in my ears is a point made by my Rice colleague @BAshleyLeeds who pointed out in a talk back in 2016 that one of the main causes of international conflict is just uncertainty and unreliability. +
    1. …in reply to @wcaleb
      @AstorAaron @CarlPaulus @BAshleyLeeds Trump seems to think unpredictability is a sign of leadership and deal making. But when state actors don't know how other state actors will behave, it greatly increases the risk of conflict.
      1. …in reply to @wcaleb
        @AstorAaron @CarlPaulus @BAshleyLeeds So I agree with you Carl that it's very good that he didn't attack, but also with Aaron that this is somewhat cold comfort in the long run.