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      1. 1. Friends, please consider donating to this, and read the thread for some context: youcaring.com/northeastmississippistudentleadershipconference-814724
    1. …in reply to @wcaleb
      2. The organizer is a @RiceUniversity student who organizes & runs a conference for high school students in Mississippi, her home state.
  1. …in reply to @wcaleb
    .@RiceUniversity 3. The conference aims to help students (many of them first-gen college students) navigate the higher ed process.
    1. …in reply to @wcaleb
      .@RiceUniversity 4. Year 1 of the conference was so successful, interest has doubled this year … thereby increasing the organizers’ expenses.
      1. …in reply to @wcaleb
        .@RiceUniversity 5. The goal is modest—$3,000—and small donations help. I cannot recommend this project highly enough. Please join! youcaring.com/northeastmississippistudentleadershipconference-814724
        1. …in reply to @wcaleb
          .@RiceUniversity 6. Here is a great profile about last year’s conference and the organizer: hechingerreport.org/a-19-year-old-college-student-comes-back-to-give-hometown-students-a-better-chance/